The Best Book Summaries

The best books on SaaS, entrepreneurship, and startups - summarized.

Built to Sell

Built to Sell

John Warrillow
Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy

Rob Walling, Sherry Walling
 Lost and Founder

Lost and Founder

Rand Fishkin
$100M Leads

$100M Leads

Alex Hormozi
Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill
The $150M Secret

The $150M Secret

Guillaume Moubeche


Jason Fried
$100M Offers

$100M Offers

Alex Hormozi
SPIN Selling

SPIN Selling

Neil Rackham
Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

James Clear
The Mom Test

The Mom Test

Rob Fitzpatrick
Obviously Awesome

Obviously Awesome

April Dunford
Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki
Way of The Wolf

Way of The Wolf

Jordan Belfort