The Greatest Salesman in the World - Summary and review

Updated: January 26th, 2025
Published: January 26th, 2025
Jonathan Rintala
Jonathan Rintala
The timeless philosophy to how to be a great human-being and outstanding sales person, with things like resilience.

🚀 Summary: The Greatest Salesman in the World in 30 seconds

The timeless philosophy of salesmanship and being a great human-being - with things like resilience, kindness, and consistency at the core.

The timeless philosophy of salesmanship and being a good person - with things like resilience, kindness, and consistency at the core.

The book is structured as 10 ancient scrolls that contain the secrets to life and sales.

Scroll 1: Form good habits

"Form good habits and become their slave".

Embrace failure and be patient. Success cannot be rushed.

Scroll 2: Greet each day with love

Approach everything and everyone with love.

Scroll 3: Persist until you succeed

No matter what life throws at you - if you keep pushing ahead, you will eventually succeed.

Scroll 4: You are a miracle

You are unique. Fully use your unique (1) skills, (2) characteristics, and (3) assets to your advantage.

Scroll 5: Live each day like it's your last

Yesterday is irrelevant. You only have the present moment to act, so make the most of it.

Scroll 6: Master your emotion

Don’t let your moods control you and your actions.

Scroll 7: Laugh at the world

Take a step back and laugh often. Laugh at failures - and they will vanish in clouds of new dreams. Laugh at successes - and they will shrink to their true value.

As you can laugh you will never be poor

- Og Mandino

Only with laughter and happiness can you truly become a success.

Scroll 8: Multiply your value

Find creative ways to 100X your value.

With a seed of wheat, you can either (A) feed it to the pigs, (B) make flour and bake bread (C) grow an entirely new farm of wheat and feed a city.

Scroll 9: Take action now

Without action, there will not be results. Take action today, not tomorrow. Don't push things to the next day's tab.

Scroll 10: Pray for guidance

Pray to God for guidance. Do not pray for material things or rewards.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q: Who is Og Mandino?

Og Mandino was a salesman and one of the most widely read inspirational and self help author in the world, with the best-seller "The Greatest Salesman In the World".