The 3 best Personal Development books
Books about personal development.
1. The Greatest Salesman in the World
1967Pages: 118 My rating: 5Goodreads: 4.21
The timeless philosophy of salesmanship and being a great human-being - with things like resilience, kindness, and consistency at the core.
Og Mandino
2. Atomic Habits
Pages: 320 My rating: 5Goodreads: 4.4
Atomic Habits is the power of becoming 1% better each day, compounding improvements to become a better version of yourself. Habit formation works in four steps - cues, cravings, responses and rewards. Leverage these to establish and maintain good habits, and make the bad ones hard to pursue.
James Clear
3. The Compound Effect
Pages: 162 My rating: 4Goodreads: 4.24
The Compound Effect is the idea that small changes compound into huge results over time. There is no need for radical changes - instead make tiny changes each day and see drastic change. Routines can build momentum and courage to reach beyond your limits.
Darren Hardy
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